
  13/03/2018    Christophe Orazio.


Site code DS38

Location Caorches-Saint-Nicolas

Region Haute-Normandie

Country France

Local name Caorche-Saint-Nicolas

Partner IDF-CNPF


Site characteristics

Orientation: FLAT, Slope:0.0°, Soil :CAMBISOLS, Bedrock : clay with flints

PH :5.0,



Short History of the site

MAIN SYLVICULTURAL OPTION DEMONSTRATED Study of the behavior of Douglas fir to climate change, according to two potentially different soil to climate risks (particularly water stress), within the same forest ownership. STAND AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Douglas-fir stand concerned is 25 years old, and it’s localised in a sensibility climatic area for Douglas-fir in France. This demonstration site has 2 experimental plots : *Plot 1 = soil without potential water stress risk *Plot 2 = soil with potential water stress risk.