Site code DS03
Location Mora
Region Centro
Country Portugal
Local name Herdade da Chaminé
Partner ISA
Site characteristics
Orientation: FLAT, Slope:0.0°, Soil :CAMBISOLS, Bedrock : micaschist
PH :,
The site is situated not far from the Montargil dam (Sôr River), included in the Tejo river hydrographic basin. Although characterized by flat terrain.
Short History of the site

Herdade da Chaminé, a private property in Alentejo region, has been used for research on the effect of understory management on cork and cork oak growth. The trial installed in 2003 is managed by ISA staff. The collaboration with the forest owner was essential from the beginning of the trial, since he was responsible for the treatments application between 2003 and 2012, under ISA supervision. The options regarding understory management in cork oak stands are important, particularly in a climate change scenario and in shallow and low fertile soils. In order to research 3 different alternatives of understory management (understory growth for a complete cork debarking rotation – 9 years -, understory removal and organic matter soil incorporation, regular lupine pasture installation), REINFFORCE evaluated tree growth, cork growth, cork quality and tree mortality rates.