Site code DS05
Location Viseu
Region Norte
Country Portugal
Local name Vale de Cavalos
Partner ISA
Site characteristics
Orientation: FLAT, Slope:4.0°, Soil :VERTISOLS, Bedrock :
PH :4.6,
Short History of the site

Vale de Cavalos Demonstration site is installed on public property, owned by Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. The site was previously used for plant production, as it belonged to a Forest services tree nursery. The site management is performed by ISA. Quercus robur adaptability to environmental conditions is poorly understood vis-à-vis climate change scenarios forecasting more frequent and longer water deficits in the Mediterranean region. In order to allocate the most adequate seed sources to each set of climatic conditions in future afforestation activities, and considering that an important source of variation in the characteristics related to adaptability may be found at the provenance level, REINFFORCE evaluated inter-provenance variability of growth and survival.