
  13/03/2018    Christophe Orazio.


Site code DS06

Location Moral de Hornuez

Region Castilla y León

Country Spain

Local name Moral de Hornuez (Segovia)

Partner FGUVA


Site characteristics

Orientation: FLAT, Slope:0.0°, Soil :CAMBISOLS, Bedrock : limestone

PH :,


There is no permanent watercourse that crosses the plot, although precipitation waters that run through the plot are tributaries of the Duero Basin, and Riaza River subbasin.

Short History of the site

copyrigth IEFC network

The demonstration site is located next to the place of the installation of the arboretum, making possible the use of the data from the weather station. MAIN SYLVICULTURAL OPTION DEMONSTRATED: New mixed plantation of Pinus pinaster and Quercus ilex using systematic designs in concentric circles with different grid of plant positions, varying the spacing from low to high density and the degree of composition of both species. The demonstration sites are plantations based on Nelder Wheels (Nelder, 1962) designed to evaluate the influence of the density on the mortality, the size, the pathogenic damages and the biomass allocation of each plant. The data analysis will be performed using logistic regression and spatial analysis.