Site code DS26
Location Saint-Paul-en-Born
Region Aquitaine
Country France
Local name La Brouquette
Partner CRPF_Aquitaine
Site characteristics
Orientation: FLAT, Slope:1.0°, Soil :PODZOLS, Bedrock : eolian sands
PH :4.5,
The site is situated in the river basin of the Montaut, a small right bank tributary of the Canteloup river near its mouth in the Aureilhan lake. No stream can be found near the demonstration site which is located in a poorly drained area. the level of the water table in winter is regulated by ditch
Short History of the site

MAIN SYLVICULTURAL OPTION DEMONSTRATED : short term sylviculture in maritime pine and eucalyptus Factors of interest related to climate change in a short production cycle (25 years) with no clearing for risk limitation sensitivity to drought stand stability.STAND AND SITE DESCRIPTION Plantation of maritime pine, on a clear-cut area (3,05 ha) Plantation of Eucalyptus dalrympleana x gunnii (Gundal), on a clear-cut area (0,76 ha) Plantation of Eucalyptus gunnii, on a clear-cut area (0,76 ha).This demonstration site will be integrated in the GIS Pin Maritime du Futur (CRPF-CPFA, INRA, ONF, FCBA), and data shared with GIS PMF partners. Growth measurement campaigns will take place every 3 years (first height measurement will take place in autumn 2013). First survey (dead/alive) took place in spring 2012. The site will be used in information meetings organized for forest owners by CRPF-CPFA when sufficient data are available. Results will be used for technical information leaflet and papers on sylvicultural practices.